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Tacker Addiction


Release: 28-05-2004


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01. Proloque
02. Parallel Universe
03. Inner DInner
04. Hotter Than The Sun
05. What The Fuck
06. Precious
07. Broken
08. On The Beach
09. Spinnin’ it
10. Inflammable
11. Fahrenheit Delight
12. Shine (In Lovin’ Memory Of C.)



Released 28-05-2004

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Tacker – Addiction

When Tacker meets for the first time in early January 2003, all possibilities are still open. 12 songs are set up, developed by the band and thrown onto the stage of Bospop, Vlietpop and the main stage of the Nijmegen Vierdaagsefeesten.

In May 2004, after long weeks of hard work in the studio, together with producers Billinger and Marsman, their debut album Addiction (2004) was delivered.

Tacker consists of Eric Corton (known from 3FM, among others), and ex-members of Anouk and Kane.

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Suburban Records

At Suburban Records, we believe that all great music has one thing in common: soul. Soul has the unique ability to communicate happiness, love, sorrow, and anger — all the essential qualities that distinguish an average song from a unique one. When we sign new artists, we look for that soul in their songs and sound, as well as in the stories they tell. Within these parameters, we give our artists total creative freedom, which we consider essential.
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